Suddenly, the Lord took unto Himself, my dearly beloved husband, Bill. Predeceased by our infant son, Shaun. Predeceased by his parents, William Wiersma Sr. and Ebeltje Terpstra. Brother of Elco & Ann Wiersma, John & Jane Wiersma and sister, Sylvia. Brother-in-law of Ria & Theo TerHorst, Corrie & Mark Zylstra, Sim & Truusje Berkelaar, Coby & Bill Zandbergen, John & Marylin Berkelaar, Henny (deceased 2020) Berkelaar & Dave Feronni, Anita & Henry Hogeveen, and Gilbert Berkelaar & Sheri Getz. Loved Uncle of all of his nieces and nephews. Due to COVID restrictions, there will be no visitation. A funeral service will be held by invitation only at Turner Family Funeral Home, on Monday, February 8, 2021 at 1:00p.m. Livestream details will be on the Funeral Home’s website. Private Interment at White Chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations to World Renew or the Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appreciated.
Revelations 21:1-7
To view the livestream: https://event.forgetmenotceremonies.com/ceremony?c=f27f529c-c683-49e6-981d-dc42f840f73f
Dear Magda and the Wiersma family.
I was so very sorry to hear of Bill’s passing.
Praying our Heavenly Father will comfort you now and in the
times ahead.
With deep affection and fond memories of times past.
Love Dianne Eggink (Lammers)
We are very saddened by this news. Bill was a great guy and a loving husband. Thinking of you, Magda.
Dear Magda, so sorry to hear of Bill’s passing, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this most difficult time.
Diane Cameracci
Dear Magda,
I am so sorry to learn of Bill’s death. You will have difficult times ahead. However, the love and support of family and friends will sustain you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jan Olde
I am so saddened by Bill’s death. He was a great guy. You will miss your “turkey”. You were blessed to have had him. Thinking of you warmly and hoping that someday you will again be able to laugh. Lynn
Oh how sad when we heard of Bill’s sudden passing. What a shock to you and huge empty spot in your life. Bill had a large personality and I loved hearing him bellow out in beauty the songs of his faith.
Dear Magda, may God provide you the strength that you need during this difficult time.
Wilma and Jan van der Woerd
I just heard of Bill’s passing. I remember fondly my visits to help him with his computer problems back in the day.
I wish you all the best, thinking and praying for you.
Dear Magda,
We were so very saddened to hear of Bill’s passing. Please accept our most sincere condolences and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless.
Joe and Chris G.
To you Magda & all those dear to Bill, be it blood relation or those who had a close bond that many no doubt had with Bill, our condolences to you all at this very sad time. Bill’s sudden loss is still a shock and it will take time to come to terms with this. As you grieve know that we are remembering you and honoring the memory of ‘Beautiful Bill’. “What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness, Star-dust or sea-foam, Flower or winged air. Thomas Bailey Aldrich“
Dear Magda, we are so sad to read of the sudden passing of Bill. We well remember the trip to Israel with Rev Klomps, Bill would read the Bible passages at our devotions with his beautiful voice. Oh, how you will miss him! May our Heavenly Father fill you with His Presence and comfort you from day to day. Wishing you much strength.
Greetings, Hank and Rita Lammers
Magda so sorry for your loss. We will remember all the good times we shared and of course Bill’s love of a good practical joke.
Toni and Ian Robinson
Lieve Magda
Wat een ontzettend verdrietig bericht dat Bill zo plotseling overleden is.
We koesteren mooie herinneringen aan Bill tijdens het bezoek in Julianadorp.
Op een afstand leven we met je mee, wensen we je sterkte en sturen we nu een laatste groet aan Bill
Veel liefs en warme groeten van ons allemaal uit Julianadorp; Henk en Riet kisteman, Kees en Karin Kroon, Henk en Mathilde van den Berg, Arno en Annelies Kroon, Pieter en Wilma Kroon.
Dear Maggs,
We are still in shock at the passing of Papa Bill. We have built a very loving relationship over the years and feel so honoured to have met Bill in person. We will always be grateful for the unconditional love that he gave us over the years. We send you our deepest condolences. May you find comfort in the Lord. Papa Bill will be forever in our hearts.
Gaone, Tumi and Jerry
Dear Magda,
We are so sorry to hear about Bill’s sudden passing. Christine and I would like to extend our sincere condolences! It’s been a while since we have connected but we remember well meeting you and Bill in Vienna as part of your trip to Oberammergau. He was a big man with a great voice! Blessings to you at this sad point in your life.
Jake and Chris Van Dyk
Dear Magda and family we are so sorry for your loss our condolences go out to those that loved him. Bill had a way of making you feel safe. His words of wisdom will always be remembered. The man with a big voice that could still the room with peace will always remain a memory for me.
It’s very sad that we can not be there in person to support you and say a proper goodbye.
I will be praying for you today and the difficult days to come.
Dear Magda,
We were so sorry to hear the sad news of your loss and extend to you and family our deepest sympathies. We also remember Bill’s wonderful voice and presence.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of sorrow.
Dirk & Gerri Windhorst
Dear Magda,
So very sorry to read of your husband’s passing. Deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Jane Mulholland
Dear Magda and Family,
I was so sorry to hear about Bill’s death.
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Sincerely, Janet MacCullouch
Dear Magda
We are so sorry for your loss. What an amazing person and what a remarkable life. We feel so lucky that we got to know him.
Sending our prayers and hugs