
Born on April 13th, 1937 in a small village in Bohemia, George (Jiri) Flosman was one year old when the Nazi’s invaded Czechoslovakia.  His father was a Miller, and his mother came from a politically connected family. George was the youngest of three boys and he lived in the family Mill. His parents shielded him from the worst of the Nazi occupation, and he fondly remembered his days, living and working on the farm and at the Mill. At the end of the war, freedom again reigned but only briefly and when the iron curtain descended across Eastern Europe, his family became the target of the STB, the Communist secret police, and they were forced to flee.  After a time in a refugee camp in Germany, George and family emigrated to Canada. They worked on a farm until they could afford to buy their own.

No one could ever accuse George Flosman of letting the grass grow under his feet. When he was young, he became enamored of flying so after working all day on the farm, he took on extra jobs to pay for flying lessons.  He wanted to build and design things, so he became an engineer.  He chafed at working for others and so quit his job and started a welding/fabricating business in the early 1970s and grew it into a going concern, retiring at the tender age of 81.  When Czechoslovakia finally threw off the yoke of communism, he travelled back to the land of his birth to fix up the old family Mill.   Never one to be idle, George spent his spare time working to improve his community, both personally and as a member of the Optimist Club.

One of the most significant events in his life occurred while he was studying engineering at the University of North Carolina, for it was there that he met Sandra Clark.  They would be married and share nearly 60 years together before her passing in 2022.

George is survived by two sons and their wives, Mike (Heather) and Rob (Meredith) and six grandchildren, Isaac, Sadie, Will, Jane, Ben and Alec.  He was the very epitome of the eternal optimist.  To him, there was no adversity; only challenges that could always be overcome by a little hard work, perseverance, and common sense.

George Flosman left this world on September 11th, 2024 having lived a consequential life.  We are saddened by his passing and the world will be a less interesting place without him, but we must remain positive.  George would insist upon it.  Cause to do so can be found in the fact that we had the privilege of his company for 87 years.

A Funeral Service will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 10a.m. Burial to follow at Grove Cemetery.

Livestream Link: https://event.forgetmenotceremonies.com/ceremony?c=f49c479a-030e-47ae-97da-09479e2cfa8e