A life well-lived with no regrets.
February 5, 1962 – December 6, 2021
It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of Jeffrey (Jeff) Witt surrounded by love at his home in Dundas, ON. Jeff fought a heroic battle and lived every day to the best of his abilities, despite a cruel brain cancer diagnosis received in September of 2021. Jeff’s pride and joy were his family, including his adored children and their spouses Jennifer & Kevyn Murray, Jordan & Katelyn Witt and Stacey Witt. His family was expanded in 2007 to include his cherished partner Pamela Mirehouse and her daughters and their spouses Kirsten Brown & Michael Gropp, and Hana & Evan Eckert. In 2016, their beautiful family began to grow even more and now includes much loved grandchildren that called him ‘Papa’ – James Murray, Lillian & Madelyn Witt, and Aubrey & Oscar Gropp. Jeff lived a life supported by his loving parents, Florence and Elden Witt and his dear sisters Katherine Waldron (Harry) & Patricia Baptista (Eddie-2011). Uncle Jeff (UJ) showed that same love and support to his many nieces, nephew and their families. Jeff was close with his cousins and cherished the time he spent with them. Jeff was proud to have been born and raised in Pembroke, ON, where he spent much of his early years with his large extended family, creating joyful and lasting memories. His love of sports also began early on and he became well known for his athletic ability, excelling in hockey, basketball, football, refereeing and more. He graduated in 1985 from Queen’s University with a degree in Applied Science. Jeff was a true engineer at heart and would go on to spend his entire 35 year career at ArcelorMittal Dofasco in Hamilton, ON taking on many different roles. Throughout his career, Jeff had a relentless energy to continuously improve anywhere he went. He leaves behind a legacy of improvement throughout multiple areas of the company, and he also applied these same principles in his daily life. He was known amongst his peers as “Mr. Dofasco” and was truly proud to have worked for this company. He happily retired in late 2020 from his last role as the Coach in the Transformation Office. Jeff was an avid supporter of the Dundas and Hamilton community and volunteered through his work and other organizations. A true lover of food, he was always on the lookout for new restaurants to try, breweries to visit, and attractions to see. He was a regular blood donor and made a personal commitment to giving life to someone else in need, exceeding 75 donations throughout his life. A man of the people, he would run into an old colleague, friend, or former classmate everywhere he went. His active lifestyle kept him busy at home and he was always working to improve his and Pam’s award winning garden. Jeff lived life fully as a leader, traveller, storyteller, family man, and during his journey he touched many lives as a good friend, well respected mentor, and will be missed by many.
Visitation will be held on April 9, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., followed by the celebration of life at 5:00 p.m. at the Flamborough Hills Golf Club, 71 Hwy 52, Copetown, ON. Event details can be found at:
In lieu of flowers please make donations in Jeff’s memory to the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada.
Jeff was an exceptional person and a long time member of our ball hockey group. We spent many Friday nights trying our best to keep in shape and celebrate our efforts with a pint or two. Jeff was a special person and his friendship will be sadly missed. We coined him “Fritter” as an endearing nickname tied to a weekend he shared a basket of apples with our gang of misfits. He was always be missed but never forgotten. With love, Dan from ball hockey
So sad the passing of Jeff atleast me and the other ballhockey buddies got to spend some time with him before his passing at white water rafting in the Pembroke area.we had a fun experience and learnt from jeff a bit about his years of growing up in the area
He will be greatly missed
What beautiful words! I feel like I know him now. I’ve never met Jeff but I know some of his favourite people and they’re pretty special ❤️ Sending all my love and prayers to the family.
My heart is broken Jeff. Witter, why did you leave us so soon? I was hoping to get a few more adventures in with you. I guess I can only reminisce about old adventures now. I remember playing golf in the fields in the back of your house. Was dangerous for the houses, but fun as hell. You were Jack Nicklaus; I was Tom Watson. We hit balls so far, we’d hit the church parking lot. Ha! You had the best stereo system always. You and I in your basement listening to ‘Cold As Ice’ blaring as loud as we could, surrounded by cheap Radio Shack color lights. This Foreigner is a great new group you said. You made me listen to Van Halen for the first time, another new group you introduced me to, you were ahead of you time. In the same basement I honed my ping pong skills I have ‘til this day, only beat you a couple of times though. Lol Through High School so many memories. Painting the sign of Stardust Disco, our dance routines for Stardust and many great nights of that era. Driving in the Batmobile was a treat! You installed the best stereo in that car, and I remember listening to one of my favorite songs ‘Your Kiss is On My List’ blaring at ear hurting decibels in the Batmobile. Playing 21 in your driveway, you with your new Celtics jersey on. I never liked basketball much, but you made the driveway and the high school court worth it. So many great memories I could write a book about them. Thanks for you and Pam visiting me in San Francisco. You were the best of us. You saw only goodness in me and others. So many times and things I’ve never forgotten. I will never forget. I know you’re shooting baskets in the sky now. I love you, always have, always will. Someday we’ll play 21 together again.
Love Andy
Andrew and Julie Beck
Jeff my old friend, what can I say? It still feels surreal – that you’re gone I continue to struggle to comprehend and accept. It feels like when ball hockey finally starts again there you’ll be, zipping around the floor pulling your patented outside-in moves and firing the ball over the goalie’s shoulder.
You scored plenty of those beauties for sure.
But you’re gonna be missed for more than that. So much more, like:
Your ribs
Your genuineness – no compromising of character on your part, that’s for certain
Your nicknames (Witter, Twitter, Fritter and so on….lol)
Your sometimes ill-timed but always absolutely hilarious verbal exclamations
Your intelligent insight on so many subjects
Your ear plugs (you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?)
And your friendship – especially your friendship. You are one of the ball hockey boys.
Like the rest of us you recognize the value of the camaraderie we enjoy – in the dressing room, on the ball hockey floor and in all of our get-togethers (training camp, PO camp and ad hoc team parties). You fit in immediately when you first joined our unique group and that’s not an easy thing to accomplish – as you can surely appreciate, we are a judicious group of individuals and we don’t suffer indignities lightly!!!
And you and I go back much further than ball hockey, don’t we? We have a cherished friendship that I will never forget.
RIP my friend…
PS: The attached photo is from an early training camp in North Bay – circa 2008.
To all of Jeff’s family, friends and loved ones please accept my sincerest condolences on Jeff’s passing. We were friends in High School and while we did not maintain the connection after leaving Pembroke we reconnected of sorts on Facebook in recent years. His vitality and love for life and those around him were reflected with each post and the same passionate Jeff as when I knew him.
Andrew Beck, thanks for your wonderful and heartfelt memories. They convey so much about what his friendship meant. I know that you and his other close friends are hurting badly so a virtual hug from me to you all.
RIP Jeff ( Witter) …
Who knew moving to the same street 26 years ago would lead to meeting someone who would become such a great guy to hang out with? I played a few games of basketball against Jeff at Dofasco, but spent far more time as members of The Ball Hockey Boys. Jeff was one of my favourite buddies to have on the same team because he had great athletic ability and was such a smart player. You didn’t have to look for Jeff; you just had to spot the opening on the floor and knew Jeff would be there a split second later. It was even greater fun enjoying annual Ball Hockey Training Camps with Jeff. Of course, the training was limited to several golf swings and multiple repetitions of bending of the elbow. We never progressed to Ball Hockey Men because getting together with Jeff and the gang was the epitome of boys being boys. So fortunate to be able to call Jeff a friend.
I miss you already, dad ? 3 months ago you were fine, and now this doesn’t seem real. You put up a damn good fight. i dont understand why/how this happened and never will. 66 hours of travel to drop everything and get to you was worth the 3 most amazing quality months i got with you before you left us.
I’m so grateful for you shaping me into the person I am, the memories we have and your support in my dreams. Thank you for teaching me how to treat people and make them feel heard, to make the little details count, to “take a sad song and make it better”, what beers to drink, to bring people together with food, how to make a damn good spreadsheet, how to make a witty joke, how to make relationships count, health & safety and leadership, to make adventures and passions a priority, and one day I’ll feel you in the waves, the trees & flowers that you cared so deeply about, every ticats & raptors game, the creaks of my cabin, every craft beer, the sunrises and sunsets, the paths not taken.
you were so impactful it’s impossible for you to be forgotten because everywhere I go I run into people who know my dad, Jeff Witt, the “Witter”. I can’t imagine a life without you, but I know you’re always with me.?? ? cheers to you dad, to family, relationships and conversations x
Jeff was a friend of my youth. The last time I actually saw him was at his wedding back in the ’80’s. Oh, yes, we were friends on Facebook and had exchanged messages over the years occasionally but I had never made the effort to “see” him. Are all men as bad at that as I am, I wonder?
Jeff was my Falcon basketball teammate in 1980, the year that we won the Championship. We had been friends prior but being part of that team made it special. He used to call me Kareem, lol.
Jeffs’ infectious personality, his intelligence, friendliness, openness and integrity drew me to him, as I am certain it was the same for everyone that ever met him. One could already see the man he would become.
I will miss you, old friend and I’m sorry I never got to tell you in person. Rest in peace, fellow Falcon.
Alex Poff
Hey Witter. It’s hard to believe you and your infectious energy are gone. So many stories and wonderful memories to share. Although our schools in Pembroke were cross town rivals, notwithstanding the Stardust Disco days, it was really our time in Kingston where our fun began. When we were at 296 University Ave, I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to “check your assignment” the night before it was due (so that I could finish mine!!) Why were yours always done early? No doubt you are running into half our Metallurgy professors up there now. So proud of you buddy.
And ah yes, the Batmobile….in the spring of 1983 returned 110 cases to the beer store on Princess….(it was just too close!!!) and the Batmobile carried them all!!! Not too mention carrying our sorry butts on long weekend trips up highway 41. You carried around that bottle of champagne for weeks waiting for the old girl to roll 100,000 miles!! I think it was on a Sunday trip back because none of us felt like drinking. That might have been the Thanksgiving weekend when Eldie and Flo were away and we carried on at Rosewood Ave for the better part of 3 days.
Our sporting highlight was surely our Mining and Metallurgy team winning the Queens’ Intramurals in 1985!!! (Shhh….I still have a piece of that trophy!!) Pretty sure our sporting lowlight was the “Kill McGill” road trip when the Mounties had to come on the field and drive us off….did you bring that piece of astro-turf to heaven old buddy??
Lots more to share at your celebration of life. Love you old buddy,
I’m Sarah, one of Hana’s best friends from high school. I remember meeting Jeff for the first time way back. He had a very warm aura about him that was inviting and open. We would bump into one another a handful of times over the years, when I would visit Hana and Pam. Although I did not know him deeply, I know for certain that he was as loving as he was loved! Jeff had a wonderful way of remembering the small details about an individual. He always took time to ask me about how I was doing and followed up on the seemingly little but important things in life. Reading Jeff’s bio, I was touched. I did not know that he was a dedicated blood donor. This is a cause close to my heart as my father passed away from leukemia this year; the years we had together after his diagnosis were made entirely possible by generous and selfless blood donors like Jeff. Cancer is something that doesn’t make sense to me. I am a physician and see it everyday, but I won’t ever comprehend why it happens. It seems to strike the best people. I offer my sincerest condolences to Jeff’s loved ones. I can only imagine how you all must feel. Know that you have undoubtedly added immeasurable joy to Jeff’s life. Thinking of Jeff. Much love.
What a beautiful summary of who UJ was. (I’m also thrilled the term UJ got its own mention).
An uncle like no other, I am so grateful to be his niece. When I was saying goodbye to him, I found myself looking through so many photos and the mental Rolodex of adventures we had and I realized how lucky we were to spend so much time together despite how far we lived – countless family vacations, trips to his beautiful home one can only call an “oasis” for some relaxing family bonding…the Witt family is close in a way most families can only dream of. Always making an effort to see each other, resulting in that life without regrets.
I mean, there was that time he called me “precocious”, but he wasn’t wrong and it’s actually a term I lovingly use to describe myself now thanks to him! He helped shape me and I will always, always love you UJ ❤️ Thanks for being ours.
LJ (Lacey Jayne)
The old saying of “only the Good die Young” has never been more true as it is with your passing.
Your Falcon buddies are flying at your side. We are and will be forever grateful for having been graced with your presence.
Your positive influence is radiant. I’ve been in touch with many your old buddies from high school and I can tell you that we are and will be processing your passing for a long time to come. This doesn’t seem real…but you have once again taught us another lesson in life. Be grateful for every day and moment you are blessed to have solid ground under your feet.
Life is but a flicker. Your flicker will continue to shed guidance to all.
RIP good friend and I look forward to seeing you again. Keep your radiant smile as you look down on us.
I’m signing off as I’m wiping tears off my face.
RIP good friend.
To Pam and all of Jeff’s family our sincere and heartfelt condolences.
Pam and family, it is with profound sadness that I learned of Jeff’s sudden illness and passing. I first met Jeff when we worked together in the Strategy group at Dofasco from about 2000-02 and our paths crossed many times over the course of careers. Jeff lived his life with great optimism and his positive outlook always rubbed off on his colleagues. He was passionate about his work and even more so when it came to his family. May knowing that he was highly respected and loved by his many friends and colleagues and your many fond memories comfort you in mourning his loss.
To Pam and all of yours and Jeff’s family, I send my deepest condolences on Jeff’s passing. I crossed paths with Jeff a number of times before my retirement from Dofasco in 2017. I always found him to be an upbeat guy, committed to the betterment of the company. He was clearly a wonderful family man, and a good friend to those who came to know him. My thoughts are with all of you as you mourn his loss and celebrate his life.
Pam and family,
Where does one start to pay tribute to this guy I grew up with? Starting with our kindergarten days and through K – 8, high school and post secondary in Kingston, Jeff (Witter) was a classmate, a teammate and always a first class friend. As kids, trips to Montreal with Jeff, Eddie and Flo always included tickets to see the Habs and dinner at Montreal’s finest restaurants. Lourdes School was our neighborhood’s sports stadium where we played football, ball hockey, baseball, golf etc.. Witter excelled at all of these, but basketball was always his passion. In high school, trips in the Batmobile were always memorable, and some best left untold. Jeff worked tirelessly on several Fellowes Alumni events because he valued friendships and the opportunity to renew old friendships at these events. He was a proud Queens engineer, and wore his purpled jacket with pride.
After graduating, and settling into an exemplary career at Dofasco, he always made it a point to find time to get back to Pembroke to see family and friends. Visits from Witter always included getting caught up on family activities because family was so important to him.
Although we did not see each other that frequently, I will miss him immensely. I look forward to the opportunity to join with others in a celebration of his life.
When we watch his Tiger Cats in the Grey Cup this weekend, I urge everybody to raise a glass to Witter, who will be watching from the best seat in the house.
Hugs from Pembroke
Jeff (Satch)
Sending all my prayers to Jeff’s family. I’m so sad to learn about his passing. I worked with Jeff for a number of years and he was always so kind and passionate. He had many stories which always inspired me. God Bless.
Dear Pam & family, I send my heartfelt condolences. It was such a shock to learn of Jeff’s sudden diagnosis and this huge loss. I know he was a kind soul by all the words you shared so admirably when you mentioned him. Treasure the memories! All my thoughts and prayers. Love Cathy Sorbara
So sorry to learn of Jeff’s passing. Enjoyed working with Jeff over the past 30 years and enjoyed his humour and sharp mind. He lit up the room in meetings at Dofasco and was always a great contributor. We had a great time working on projects over the years.
My deepest sympathy goes out to his family and close friends.
He is fondly remembered!
We are so sad and heartbroken on the passing of our life long dear friend Jeff Witt. He was a true, genuine, sincere, caring friend who never lost touch with his many Pembroke friends and family. He always made a point to visit with Brian and I and others when he was in town. We had a special visit on August 29th at Brian’s place and the last thing Jeff said when he left was that he was glad he came up and saw some friends and cousins as you never know what Life holds for us. That would be the last time we saw him.
Friends for Life. Very special memories to cherish for Life. From public school to high school to those crazy and much loved Stardust Disco days and on and on. How can we not mention the iconic Batmobile and his love of sports which he excelled at. So many special, precious, fun times shared together. Jeff earned a Metallurgical Engineering degree from Queen’s University and went on to have a stellar career at ArcelorMittal Dofasco. He was so proud and happy when he retired so he could spend more time with Pam and his family.
Jeff is in a better place now, shining his kind spirit upon us all. I will never forget his genuine smile that projected positivity. We love you Witter, and will forever remember and miss you dearly, our dear friend and “brother.”
Sincerest condolences and prayers to Pam, Jordan, Stacey, Jen, Flo, Eldon, Trish, Kathy, family, cousins and friends. God Bless.
I went to school with Jeff all the way through elementary and high school. He was always one of the nice guys. It’s great to read the tributes and memories of friends and family. He had a life well lived and has left a legacy for others. Gone to too soon, but Jeff will always be remembered. Sending my condolences to his family and friends.
Our deepest sympathy to the family in your great loss. May your special memories bring you comfort at this time.
My heart goes out to Jeff’s family and friends who loved him so dearly. I didn’t know Jeff well, but on the occasions I had a chance to work with him at Dofasco, I was always so impressed with the positive way he brought people together, focused on solutions and always managed to bring some humour and light to the conversation. Sincerely, Cate Walker Hammond
Jeff will be sadly missed by so many. His contribution to the success of Dofasco and the many projects that Jeff was leading. Jeff was planning to spend time supporting the Mohawk College Engineering Advisory Committee in the new year. His expertise and experience will be truly missed by the students and faculty. A really good friend and colleague. God Bless.
I am blessed to have known and worked with Jeff at Dofasco over many years. He was always energetic, dedicated and was a very caring individual. He found ways to bring people together, to lift people up, make people smile and work together as a team.
So sorry & saddened to hear of Jeff’s passing…only this past June had we been out golfing! I worked with Jeff at Dofasco on capital & improvement initiatives; always appreciating his teamwork, connections thoughout the organization, his energy & drive to get things done. My deepest condolences to Jeff’s family & friends.
Jeff was always great to be around because he was always upbeat and laughed a lot. I played ball hockey with him for several years and although I did not know him well it was always a pleasure being around him. I am sadden by his loss and wish to extend my condolences to his family.
I could feel how good you were Jeff even though I spent just your last 3 days with you helping in the little way I can. Your positive energy kept on reminding me on how good we should be here on earth because memories is all we have to leave when we are gone. I felt the unity you created in your family and I said to myself only a good person can make this happen. Continue to rest in the blossom of heaven. Kevwe (Right At Home Canada)
I never met Jeff, but I know how happy he made Pam. Although their time together was too short, I’m glad they found each other and changed both of their families forever.