July 24, 1971 – August 27, 2018
Gilmour, David John “Dave” – July 24, 1971 – Aug 27, 2018 – Loved dearly by his “one and only” Laurie and his girls Kalea and Maddy. Blessed with a lifetime of memories is his mom Karen Crewson (nee Llewellyn), sister Shannon and brother Joshua. Predeceased by his dad John Crewson. Loving son-in-law to Dave and Jenny Mielke, brother-in-law to Tim and the late Ken Mielke, and Jen (James) and Brenda (Rob). Grandson to Esther Llewellyn. Predeceased by his grandparents Lorne Llewellyn, Jack and Rita Gilmour, Ed Crewson, and Doris and Bob Putman. “Special Dad” to Matt and Mickey. David was blessed with many aunts, uncles and cousins but they all know they held their own spot in his heart and life. To his baseball, UFC and fishing buddies, he loved you like family but I’m sure you already know that. David wore his heart on his sleeve, exactly where everyone could see it. Friends will be received by the family on Friday evening from 6 – 9 p.m. at the Turner Family Funeral Home, 53 Main Street, Dundas. Cremation has taken place. If you so wish, donations to the Canadian Red Cross – Violence, Bullying & Abuse Prevention would be appreciated by the family.
“Thanks for the memories Gilly”
of all the many blessings how ever great or small to have had you for a nephew was the greatest one of all. The family chain is broken now and nothing seems the same but as god takes us one by one the chain will link again. LOVE AND MISS YOU XOXOXO uncle vic and aunt sue gilmour
Our hearts are heavy today, hearing the news of a passing friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Laurie and the family in there sorrow. Condolences from Bill & Tammy Bernard & family.
Karen I’m so sorry for you loss. Prayers and thoughts to you and family.
So much love sent to this wonderful family in their time of need.
Hold on tight to your memories xoxo
My heart hurts for you all
The is an empty space on our lineup card today. The passion for the game you always showed was the reason most of us were proud to step over those white lines with you. The campaigns against bullying and other issues of our yiuth has lost one of their biggest supporters. You will be missed Gilly, by all those that came in contact with you. Those of us that remain will try and Fear the Fighter in all that we do. Thoughts and prayers for your wife and your daughters.
Dear Karen and family, we are thinking of you and send our heartfelt condolences. Dan and Linda Heidt
The time has come for parting,
And our time is at an end.
You had your shining moments,
Upon this life’s darkened stage,
And left us only thoughts of bliss,
Of joyful things to reminisce
Farewell words too often part,
And leave, with sorrow, aching hearts
With final wave all disappears
Beneath the hush of silent tears
In our memory you will always be
Our baseball family is left to grieve
Please know that our baseball family feel your pain and sorrow,
Dave was a fabulous friend, team mate and will be missed terribly.
Not only by his playing friends but many umpires as well.
Our deepest sympathy to Laurie, Kalea & Maddy, his mom Karen, his sister Shannon & his brother Joshua & families. Keep your memories near and dear to your heart, they will help you at this most difficult time… Until we meet again “Gilly” God’s speed.
Dave was a great man he would always help wheneverand whereever needed
He loved his family and loved to fish he would live on the lake if he could he will def be missed.
FPR wont be the same with out you. RIP Dave
Big hugs to Laurie Kaele Maddy karen and Dave
Oh Karen…our deepest condolences to you and your family, in this difficult time.
Frank and Ann Eerhard.
My deepest condolences to Karen and family
Dear Laurie, Kalea, Maddy, Dave and Jenny,
Thinking of you and Sending my Deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers to you during this difficult time.
Uncle Raymond
My condolences also to Karen, Shannon, Joshua and Families.
Hemingway once wrote: “There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. They are the very simplest things and because it takes a man’s life to know them the little new that each man gets from life is very costly and the only heritage he has to leave.” My dearest Gilly, the legacy you leave is one of loyalty and friendship, true friendship without reservation or conditions. Whether cage side in Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax or Toronto, from the same side of the chalk line at Turner Park or sitting across from one another sharing cigars and sipping whiskey, you allowed us all to be ourselves. To Laurie, Kalea, Maddy, his family and everyone else who was touched by Dave’s gregariousness, my heart goes out to you. Please know that I share in your loss. Gilly, you will be missed but rest easy for those you have touched have been blessed and we strive to make ours the unmistakable and unconditional love that was yours. Love Ronny
Karen, Shannon and Josh:
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.
With love,
Nicole xoxo