To Miu Fan Webb (“Fan”, also known as “Agnes”), beloved wife of Norman Webb, and devoted mother to Peter Chang, Clara Chang, Daniel Chang, and Melanie Webb, passed away peacefully and into the arms of the Lord on Sunday, December 18, 2016, after a long and courageous battle with a devastating neurodegenerative disorder. Born in Hong Kong, Fan was formerly a schoolteacher and nursing student before coming to Canada. Her four children were her life and she exhibited absolute devotion and commitment to them, spending countless hours teaching them all subjects, as well as the piano. She cared for her family above all else, and created an exquisitely beautiful and loving home. Her gardens were “works of art”, as one family member put it. Her innumerable creations of dress and knitting showcased her creative genius, as did her talent for painting. A lover of classical music, she fostered a respect for the art that carried on to her children. She also had a special fondness for animals (especially dogs), even though she had no canine or feline companions as an adult. While her life was undeniably extremely difficult, her struggles against hardship and adversity, and her accomplishments that followed, are a testament to her strength and fortitude. Despite or perhaps because of her own tragedies, she always exhibited kindness, compassion, and empathy to others. She was the epitome of good character and remains a model of such to her family. The family extends their thanks to all of the personal support workers for their care and attention over the past years, as well as the staff at Juravinski Hospital. Visitation will be held at St. Paul’s United Church, 29 Park St. W., in Dundas, on Friday, December 23, 2016 from 10:00 – 11:00am with a funeral service beginning at 11:00am. In lieu of flowers, donations to Parkinson Canada or to the MSA Coalition (US) would be sincerely appreciated.
Fan was a very remarkable person whose kindness and generosity to us will always be cherished and remembered. Her passionate nature was inspiring and her children are a wonderful testament to how special she really was! Our sincere thoughts and prayers for Norm, Melanie and the family during this difficult time!