February 24, 1934 – March 18, 2021
Winston Cheatley passed on March 18, 2021, in his 87th year, following a brief illness at the Hamilton General Hospital. Predeceased by his wife Donna (Serena) and his siblings Joseph, Joan, Grace and Eric. Fondly remembered by his brother Victor, his nieces and nephews, and his many friends and neighbours. There will be no services due to COVID restrictions.
I just saw Winston Cheatley’s obituary today and was very sadden to learn of his passing. I worked with Winston at the W. Ross MacDonald School in Brantford Ontario for years. He was highly respected by all the co-workers and students that he worked with. Just a lovely person! My deepest condolences to all his family.
Mr. Cheatley was my Supervisor for many years in Wilkes Hall Residence at the W.Ross MacDonald School in Brantford, Ontario. I learned may things from him, but mostly his gentle nature and kind and compassionate heart. We will follow in your footsteps. I will miss you.
Thoughts and prayers to all his family.
Karen Kerr
Many many fond memories of Mr. Cheetly. He was not only our counceller, but he lead our scout troop and I believe the venturers group. He was always someone we could talk to and get his honest thoughts. He will be fonly remembered.
David Globe
I remember Winston well from the 43rd Scouts, which met at Westdale United. He was a patient and kind leader and an excellent teacher. I remember when his Dad died, as well. I went to the Visitation. It was obvious how Winston felt about his Dad – who must have been a good man, based on how Winston approached service to others. It’s been over 60 years since I last saw him, but I remember his face as though it were yesterday. Big man, big heart.